The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,172 People from the Taoist Sect

At this moment, the whole room was silent. Xiao Chen looked at the two people in front of him, and his thoughts went over and over again, but they were all unspeakable. After a long time, he said a simple sentence, "You two saved me."

As soon as these words came out, the whole room became even more silent. The two people in the room were Su Changqing, the current head of the Su family, and his wife.

At this moment, Mrs. Su couldn't help but be stunned when she heard Xiao Chen's cold and indifferent tone, but when she thought about what happened back then, she could only sigh and shed tears.

Su Changqing slowly helped her behind him and asked Xiao Chen, "How...are you feeling now?"

Xiao Chen used his kung fu for a moment, and then he realized that the toxins in his body were gone and his injuries were almost recovered, but the movement of his true energy was still somewhat sluggish...

I guess it was the person in front of me who was doing his exercises to heal his injuries.

"Thank you..."

The tone was still flat, but it made Mrs. Su feel even more uncomfortable when she listened, especially every time she saw his snow-white hair, and thought of her deceased daughter, and the past events resurfaced, she couldn't help but shed tears in her eyes.

At this time, Xiao Chen was still calm. In his life, he had only a few relatives. His parents had passed away as soon as he was born. He regarded Wuniang as his biological mother, but then the entire Ningcun disappeared.

Over the years, he has never felt any family affection again. To him, the word family affection is like being forever sealed under the iceberg. ❉

"Alas..." Su Changqing let out a long sigh, and then said after a long time, "You must really want to know what happened back then..."

"Back then...Why did everyone want to kill my father back then?" Xiao Chen squeezed his fingers tightly, and at this moment, anger suddenly emerged in his heart.

Su Changqing sighed and said, "Back then, your father conspired with the devil and wanted to invade the entire ancient immortal world..."

"You think so too..." Xiao Chen squeezed his fingers tighter and looked up at him motionlessly.

Su Changqing shook his head and sighed, Mrs. Su also slowly walked up from behind, with moist eyes, and said, "How could your father, Xiao Zhufeng, who was so heroic back then, do those things? How could we not know that he was being raped by someone?" Framed..."

At this point, Mrs. Su wiped her eyes and continued, "He is a person who stands upright and does not want to drag anyone down, but Rou'er was also strong-tempered back then and stayed with him life and death, vowing not to regret... so many years Oh, my child, you must be resentful in your heart, why we failed to save them back then..."

Xiao Chen took a deep breath, resentment, why resentment, mother is their biological daughter, if she can be saved, can they not save her...

Even though Su Changqing had already cultivated into the Saint Realm at that time, in this world, there was nothing he could do about himself, even if he was a Saint.

Su Changqing sighed, "When I rushed to Huangquan Valley, it was already a step too late..."

"Yellow Spring Valley..."

Xiao Chen thought about that time he went to Huangquan Valley, that mountain peak that was pierced by the Nine Heavens Biluo Palm. Sure enough, his father and mother finally escaped to Huangquan Valley, but they were still caught up by Taihuazi...

Su Changqing continued, "When I arrived, Taihuazi was also seriously injured, but you were snatched away by another mysterious black-robed man. I couldn't care less about the situation in Huangquan Valley at that time, so I could only find a way first." When I chased you back, that man's cultivation was not inferior to mine at all. I tracked his aura all the way and chased him for three days and three nights before I caught up with him."

"Mysterious man in black robe..."

Xiao Chen's eyes narrowed. At this moment, he already had a hunch in his heart that the matter of the three corpse demons in his body might be solved.

"Yes, please listen to me slowly..." Su Changqing stroked his white beard and slowly told the story of that year.

"Haha, as expected of the head of the Su family, he chased me for three days and three nights, but he still didn't lose much real energy. It's amazing..."

Under the black robe, there was a sinister laughter, but the baby in his hands kept crying.

Hearing the baby's cry getting louder and louder, Su Changqing became more and more nervous. He stared at the man. Even though he had reached the Holy Realm, he couldn't tell who this man was from his breath, and said, "Your Excellency Who is he? This child has just been born. Please return him to me."

"Haha, Master Su wants to save your daughter's child, so come up and try..."

Under the black robe, there was another eerie laughter, followed by a burst of black mist that actually enveloped the baby.


Su Changqing's face was shocked. The black mist was corroding the bones and corroding the heart. How could a baby who was not yet one month old be able to bear it? He did not hesitate and flew up in an instant.

Although the man in black robe was holding the baby in one hand, the other hand was using various strange moves, which were very strange. Su Changqing's cultivation was naturally not easy. The two fought for a while, and they were even in the sky and on the earth. There is no distinction between superior and inferior.

At the last moment, the man in black robe suddenly threw the baby into the air, made a seal with his left hand, and instantly hit Su Changqing.

Su Changqing's heart was focused on the baby in the air, and he was about to reach out to pick it up. But at this moment, he felt that the mysterious seal on the other side was not trivial, so he had to retract his hand and use his skills to resist. With a "bang", he was unexpectedly struck by the black robe. The person's mysterious seal was shaken back.

The man in black robe caught the fallen baby and smiled solemnly, "Master Su, how about this mark..."

"You..." At this moment, Su Changqing's expression changed. "You are from the Taoist sect!"

That powerful mysterious seal just now would have been extremely difficult to perform unless someone with advanced Taoist skills could perform it. Therefore, Su Changqing immediately concluded that the person in front of him was not a member of the Demon Sect, but actually a member of the Taoist Sect!

"Oh? Has he been discovered by the head of the Su family..." The man in black robe smiled grimly. Under the gloomy robe, black mist shrouded his identity, making his identity even more mysterious.

Su Changqing's face was still hard to calm down. Before this, he had always thought that the other party was from the Demon Sect. Unexpectedly... he turned out to be from the Taoist Sect, and he was a person with extremely high Taoism!

"Since you are a member of the Taoist sect, why do you treat a child so harshly? Why don't you show your true identity?"

"True identity, haha..."

The man in black robe smiled solemnly. At this moment, his voice became extremely cold and seemed to be full of hostility. "My past identity has been so long that even I can't remember it..."


Su Changqing's face was startled. At this moment, he seemed to have fallen into an abyss. He felt a chill coming from behind. The identity of the person in front of him... I'm afraid it's not simple!

"No matter who you are, there is absolutely no way you can take away this child today!"

Suddenly, Su Changqing's whole body was shaken by profound energy. Around him, purple energy was lingering. Even for several miles around, there was purple light reaching into the sky. A surging aura suddenly stirred up the world.

The black-robed man's eyes narrowed, "Oh? One of the four great ancient mystical arts, Purple Qi from the East..."

In the blink of an eye, Su Changqing's purple energy formed, and instantly turned into a purple light, attacking the man in black robes. Both of them had already reached the holy realm. How could they take it easy in such a fight?

The two of them fought until the nearby mountains and rivers were shattered and the river flow reversed. Finally, they came to the top of an abyss, but they saw that underneath the abyss, there was no sky and a filthy atmosphere.

The man in black robe suddenly said gloomily, "You want to save him? Then go to this dark abyss..." After saying that, he pushed the baby in his hand into the abyss.

The cry echoed above the abyss. Su Changqing was suddenly startled and rushed down the abyss in an instant. However, when he caught the baby, there was a ghost mark running towards his chest from inside the swaddling clothes.

This happened so fast that even though Su Changqing was on guard, it was too late. With a "chi" sound, the ghost mark penetrated into his chest.


Su Changqing immediately let out a muffled groan. Why was his cultivation so high? He immediately knew that he had been plotted by this person, and the true energy that had just been condensed collapsed in an instant.

The man in black robe sneered, and suddenly turned into a swift shadow, and hit him with a palm. With a "bang" sound, Su Changqing was hit in the chest by a palm, and a mouthful of blood spurted out. He held the baby in his arms and went there. Falling down into the abyss.

Fortunately, Su Changqing's cultivation had already reached the level of a saint. Even though he was plotted against, at this time, he forced himself to raise his true energy and rushed out from the abyss in one breath, landing on the edge of a cliff.


But look at his pale face. As the man in black robes continued to form seals and recite incantations, ghost marks appeared on his body one after another. In the end, all the ghost marks were buried in his body.

Su Changqing held the baby in one hand, and condensed his true energy in the other hand, constantly tapping several large acupoints on his body. Even so, the curse was too powerful, and he could only use the Samadhi True Fire to temporarily seal it.

Su Changqing was covered in cold sweat, and after calculating with his fingers, his face changed: "This is... the ghost curse! You!"

This time, when he looked at the man in black robe again, his eyes were obviously filled with surprise, "It turns out that your Excellency... is actually a person from Tianwaitian!"

"The sky is outside the sky..."

In the room, the scent of sandalwood lingered, and Xiao Chen had a solemn expression on his face. He suddenly recalled listening to the old man named He Manzi in Fengyun Tian not long ago, telling about things about Tianwaitian, the Jiuyou Clan, the Palace of Lihen, and the Nirvana Platform. , greed, anger and ignorance, the abyss of gods and demons, the door of all wonders...

In front of the bed, Su Changqing suddenly turned pale, and Mrs. Su next to her immediately supported him, "How are you doing?"

"No, it's okay..."

Su Changqing slowly let go of her hand, looked at Xiao Chen and nodded, "Yes, this ghost curse is the secret curse of Tianwaitian. As for who was that person back then, and why did he do it?" Ghost curse, I still can’t be sure about this matter..."

"Haha, Master Su, I don't know how this ghost curse tastes..."

Above the abyss, a sinister smile came from the man in black robes, and Su Changqing was hit by the Ghost Heaven Curse. His face became worse and worse, and a black mark appeared between his eyebrows, looming, as if he had broken through his "samadhi".

At this time, the baby in his arms couldn't help crying. Su Changqing looked at the child who was not yet one month old, and thought of his deceased daughter. His heart seemed to be severely pinched. At this moment, his face became even more ugly, like In an instant, it was covered with a layer of frost.

"Your Excellency is a member of the Taoist sect. You are a man of Taoism that few others can match, but you do unjust things. Today, Su Changqing wants to see whether you are a human or a ghost!"

Suddenly, I saw Su Changqing holding the baby in his left hand, and swiping his right hand into the void. At this moment, the wind and clouds suddenly changed, the sky and the earth turned pale, and the surrounding peaks shifted, forming a formation in an instant, imprisoning the man in black robes. Among them.


Su Changqing took the shot with a palm, and the stormy sky suddenly turned into a purple palm print, and the mountains and the ground collapsed, with the power of ancient times! A palm enveloped the man in black robe!

(It may be the same update recently. I wish you all a Happy New Year! In addition, due to the recent spread, everyone must pay more attention to it, try to go out as little as possible, wear a mask when going out, and avoid going to crowded places without protection!)

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