I saw two figures coming out of the air from the direction of the secret realm in the back mountain. The auras of those two people were deep, and they were not comparable to ordinary elders of the Yun Sect.

The man on the left is wearing a green shirt and white hair, and his eyes are deep and cold, while the man on the right is wearing a dark Taoist robe, holding a whisk in his hand, and looks more like an immortal.

"It's the two elders..."

At this moment, everyone seemed to have grasped a life-saving rope. The two people were none other than the two great elders of the Yun Sect, Tang Qingshi and Meng Qinghe.

The people from the Eighteen Sichuan families outside were also stunned. They were the two great elders of the Yun Sect, both of whom had reached the level of quasi-sages...

The two of them were seen standing with their hands behind their hands, floating down to the square, their eyes fixed on Xiao Chen, and they were silent and focused.

Obviously, the two of them had already expected that Xiao Chen would come to attack the mountain, so they were not surprised. A few days ago, the two of them even activated the sect's Cangshan Sword Formation. Unfortunately, they did not expect that Hua Weiyang could actually Block the spiritual power of the entire Cangshan Mountain.

If Cangshan's spiritual power had not been blocked, Cangshan Sword Formation could have lasted at least one day, and they would not have been driven out of Cangshan's secret realm in such a hurry.

At this moment, the cold wind blew in the square, and everyone held their breath and remained silent. Xiao Chen looked at Tang Qingshi calmly, and said calmly, "Elder Tang, we meet again."

"Yeah, faster than I thought..."

Tang Qingshi's face was a little gloomy. He still remembered the meeting he had with Xiao Chen last year when he was chasing Hua Weiyang. The scene at that time was still clearly imprinted in his mind.

On that day, Xiao Chen said that he would definitely come to Yun Zong to settle accounts, but he disagreed and said, "I'm waiting for the day you arrive."

At that time, Tang Qingshi said that because Xiao Chen's cultivation level was still far from what it is now. He never imagined that in just one year, the other party's cultivation level would have improved so much by leaps and bounds. How could the word "terrible" be used in this way? describe?

At this moment, Xiao Chen walked forward step by step. Even though he was facing two quasi-sages with extraordinary cultivation, his face remained calm, and he even put his hands behind him.

How can this kind of momentum be possessed by ordinary people? Even a person with the same level of cultivation as him, how could he look so relaxed when facing two quasi-sages of level six or above?

"I remember saying at that time that no matter how many people were killed and how many palaces were damaged in the Sword Burial Valley, none of you from the Yun Sect would be missing...I don't know, Elder Tang, but do you still remember?"

Xiao Chen walked towards the two of them step by step, his cold eyes seemed to be filled with frost, which made the people nearby feel a chill in their backs. The people from the eighteen families in Shuzhong outside also felt suffocated. Sure enough, it was for Did the matter of Burying the Sword Valley come about?

Tang Qingshi's face was gloomy, it was obviously about burying the sword valley, but why could he not know the real reason? It's just that both sides don't tell the truth...

Standing side by side with Tang Qingshi at this time, the person who seemed to have a similarly high level of cultivation was Meng Qinghe. He paid little attention to outside matters and had never seen Xiao Chen. He had no idea about the last burial in Sword Valley. I don’t know how the two sides got angry, but now the other party has come to the door and said that there is nothing better than a fight.

"You just want to destroy my Yun Sect, but I'm afraid you don't have the ability yet!"

Meng Qinghe gave a cold drink, and as soon as he finished speaking, a mysterious energy surged out and shrouded Xiao Chen. Such a forceful aura made even people far away feel suffocated at this moment!

"Guiyun Mountain."

Xiao Chen flicked his sleeves, and a figure suddenly appeared in the void. With a "boom", he withstood Meng Qinghe's profound power.

"Guiyunshan...is here."

The cold and weird sound immediately made everyone present feel terrified, and the entire square suddenly became windy and rustling, like a hundred ghosts roaring, giving off a sense of gloom.

"That, that's..."

Many people were shocked when they saw the black shadow suddenly appearing in mid-air. They could feel that it was not a living person, but carried a coldness that seemed to come from the netherworld.

Meng Qinghe also turned pale, what is this black shadow? He was able to completely withstand his Xuan Jin, and it seemed that not only was his strength not inferior to his own, but he was even an immortal being...

Tang Qingshi's expression also changed. No wonder this person dared to come in like this today. It turned out that there was such a powerful dead soul following him. What kind of ability did this kid have? He could restrain the dead soul and prevent it from passing away. reincarnation...

Even those who are cultivators know that the order of yin and yang in this world cannot be violated. When a person dies, he will enter the netherworld, and no one can stop it. But now, this dead soul seems to be imprisoned, and cannot even go to the netherworld...

Tang Qingshi's face suddenly became even more ugly. What is this kid's ability and why can he ignore the law of yin and yang?

The atmosphere suddenly became very tense, everyone was silent, but Xiao Chen was still walking towards Tang Qingshi and Meng Qinghe step by step, his tone was still cold, "The last time, Yun Zong came outside and destroyed My three forces disrupted my Wuyu Tian’s spiritual veins... I don’t think Elder Tang is going to let it go just like that, right?”

As soon as these words came out, the people around him trembled. Is this person really here for revenge today?

At this moment, Tang Qingshi's face looked extremely ugly. Maybe he just didn't expect that the other party's strength could become so strong now, so strong that he had to be afraid, so strong that even if he was his own Wherever they are, they dare not act rashly.

If the other party wants to destroy the entire Yun Sect today, maybe he and Meng Qinghe Shang can resist it, but with so many disciples of the Yun Sect, I am afraid that none of them will be able to survive. The Yun Sect's millennium-old foundation will be destroyed in one fell swoop.

"What do you want..."

Tang Qingshi's voice was low and his face was very ugly. In his words at this moment, it seemed that he had to compromise with the other party. Unfortunately, he only had this kind of cultivation. If he could step into the holy realm in one step, how could he fall into this situation today? Waiting for a passive situation?

Of course, if Yunzong had a saint sitting in charge, Xiao Chen would not be here today. This world may be so cruel, and strength determines everything.

Xiao Chen's eyes were still cold. He knew that Tang Qingshi wanted to compromise, but he came here today not to find a compromise with the other party. He only heard him say lightly, "Not long ago, your disciple Tang Yu also injured someone." I have many people, where is he now?”

"Tang Yu..."

Tang Qingshi's heart trembled slightly. Sure enough, Tang Yu caused trouble outside again. He had warned him repeatedly not to provoke this person again. Even if he had to go, he would let others go. However, Tang Yu did it again and again. His words fell on deaf ears.

Xiao Chen said calmly, "Elder Tang, if you don't hand over this person today, then I will use the blood of ten thousand people from the Yun Sect to sacrifice the sword."

As soon as these words came out, the nearby Yun Sect disciples were even more frightened, and they all looked at Tang Qingshi, already panicking.

And Tang Qingshi's face was also very ugly. Tang Yu was his direct disciple. If he was handed over to this person, there would be no way he could survive...

"Guiyun Mountain."

"Guiyunshan...is here!"

"After half a stick of incense, if I haven't seen this person yet, kill him as soon as you see him. Kill him until Elder Tang hands him over."

Xiao Chen's eyes were cold and devoid of any emotion. When Tang Yu forcibly broke all of Zi Yuan's meridians, he said that he would definitely repay this person tenfold.

"Guiyunshan... received it!"

A terrifying aura filled the air, making everyone tremble with fear. Even the people of the Eighteenth Sichuan Family outside who had nothing to do with today's incident felt trembling with fear at this moment. This person really wanted to Bloodbath the entire Yun Sect?

Tang Qingshi and Meng Qinghe also trembled in their hearts. They knew that what the man in front of them said just now was definitely not alarmist.

The entire Yunzong seemed to be shrouded in a layer of haze at this moment, and everyone was breathless under this layer of haze.

At this time, you can clearly see the blue veins gradually popping up on both sides of Tang Qingshi's forehead. It is obvious that he is struggling in his heart at this moment. If Tang Yu is handed over, Tang Yu's life will be in danger. If not, the lives of all Yun Sect disciples will be in danger...

Which one is more important, Tang Yu's life, or the lives of everyone in the Yun Sect?

He certainly understood this truth, but if he really had to hand Tang Yu over with his own hands, how could he do it? Tang Yu is not only his direct disciple, he has also been brought up by him since he was a child, and he treats him as his own flesh and blood!

Whatever... whatever! Yu'er, you are destined to have this calamity, don't blame me for being a cruel teacher!

In the end, he thought, instead of handing Tang Yu over to this person, which would be worse than death, he might as well kill Tang Yu here to save him from suffering!

I saw him looking at a purple-clothed girl not far away who looked to be only seventeen or eighteen years old, "Azi, where is your senior brother?"

"Senior brother..."

The girl's name was Azi, and she was a close disciple of Tang Qingshi. She was also very loved by Tang Qingshi on weekdays. However, at this time, she looked confused, not knowing that the Yun Sect was at the critical moment of life and death.

She looked towards the main hall at the back, with a somewhat dazed look in her eyes, and murmured, "Just now, just now, senior brother was in the hall, now... now..."

"Go find him for me!"

The veins on Tang Qingshi's forehead popped out, and his fingers were trembling from the tight squeeze. His face was gradually turning pale, but Xiao Chen still looked indifferent and cold and silent.

"Yes Yes……"

The girl was a little flustered, nodded, and then ran into the main hall. It took about half a stick of incense to see her coming out of the hall.

However, when the Yun Sect disciples in the square saw this scene, they were all shocked. The girl did not come out on her own, but was held hostage by someone. The man in white who held her hostage was none other than Tang Yu. .

"Tang Yu! What are you doing!"

Seeing this scene, veins burst out on Tang Qingshi's face. Tang Yu was seen holding the girl's throat with his left hand, holding the fan on her chest with his right hand, and walked towards the square step by step, "Master, I'm sorry... This is all I can do, today you will protect me from Yun Sect, otherwise... otherwise, even if this disciple dies, he will drag his junior sister along with him. "


Tang Qingshi's eyes suddenly became bloodshot, and he stared at him, even his hands could not help but tremble, "Nie Zhan! Don't let her go yet... She is your junior sister!"

"Master...senior brother..."

The girl was being held by the throat, and her face was gradually turning purple. Thinking about this scene at this moment, it was definitely not a show between the two, but she was really being held hostage by Tang Yu.

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