The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,149 A stormy battle


Just as the atmosphere was solidifying, suddenly, there was a sudden movement in the sky. Guan Zhen looked at the sky with a condensed expression and said, "It seems that someone is trying to break that layer of restrictions.

"Haha..." Yan Yunji smiled lightly, looked at Tianshang and said, "Why don't we go up and have a look too, brother, let's go..."

As soon as she finished speaking, she turned into a wisp of light red smoke and flew up to the sky. Xie Limei looked at Xiao Chen and Qian Yu Nishang again, said no more, kicked off her feet, and followed. .

I saw dilapidated palaces and huge rocks suspended in the sky, which were all turbulent at this time, and that round of "cold sun" was the only place leading to the ninth heaven.

Who has come to the eighth heaven today and doesn’t want to go to the ninth heaven? Even if you don't compete for the name of the ancient immortal world, it would be great if you can get a glimpse of Fengyun Tian.

"Little brother, let's go up and have a look too."

Guan Zhen's expression was calm, and as soon as he finished speaking, he no longer hesitated, displayed his Qinggong, stepped on the void, and flew up to the sky.

Xiao Chen didn't say much, kicked off his feet, and followed him. Qian Yu Nishang followed closely behind. Xiao Meng'er looked at Liu Wuxin beside her, and the two of them flew up to the sky without hesitation. .

When they reached the upper level, Xiao Chen and Qian Yu Nishang landed on a huge rock. At this time, the two of them could clearly feel the restriction in the sky. It was like a layer of barrier, blocking everyone from climbing to the ninth heaven. .

In the distance, many people have appeared, including the Master of the Eternal Life Sword, the Mad King of the Snow Realm, King Qin Guang of the Abyss of Ghosts, and elders from many sects, all of whom have reached a certain level of cultivation. Holy man.

A quasi-sage, that is, he has glimpsed the mystery of the holy realm, and is only one step away from becoming a saint. But how long will it take to cross this step? No one dares to say whether it is a hundred years, a thousand years, or even longer?

If you can't step into the holy realm in a limited time, then even if you have become a quasi-sage now, what's the point?

That's why this time, so many quasi-sages came to Fengyun Heaven. The purpose of most of them was to find the opportunity to become a saint.

"There will be a dispute later, let's act accordingly..."

Xiao Chen frowned slightly and looked at the people in the distance. He did not expect that so many quasi-sages had come here today, and the previous ten saints had not yet appeared.

But what he was most worried about at this time was not the quasi-sages in front of him, but whether there would be people in the dark who had already entered the realm of saints.

"Look there."

Qianyu Nishang looked to the other side and saw many figures appearing there, and those people were none other than the previous Ten Saints, Ghost Saint Feng Jingyun, Blood Saint Leave No Trace, Han The saint is covered with snow in a thousand mountains, and the poison is hidden in the wind and clouds.

But this time, in addition to the four of them, there were two other people who seemed to have extremely high cultivation levels. One of them was a man in red, with mysterious fire wrapped around his body, like a god of fire, and he could control the five elements of fire at will.

The other person is an old man with white eyebrows, his green clothes are like ink, his sword energy is extraordinary, and there is a bloody sword mark between his eyebrows. His whole person is as cold as ice, surrounded by countless flying swords, but he is not an ordinary person.

Qianyu Nishang stared at the two people and said, "The Flame Saint Blazing Heart... and the Sword Saint, kill each other in seven steps."

"Six of the Ten Saints have appeared."

Xiao Chen's eyes were deep. Medical Saint Shui Hanyan and Medicine Saint Bu Yundian would not come, and neither would his father. Then among the ten saints, there was only one missing, and it was the most mysterious "Hidden Saint" ".

Back then, he heard Shui Hanyan and Bu Yundian say that among the ten saints, the identity of the Hidden Saint was the most mysterious, and no one had ever seen his true face.

Every time this person appears, he must be wearing a black robe and his aura is hidden. Looking at the entire Lingxu Realm, no one knows who he is.

And the Hidden Saint was the only one among the Ten Saints who could rival his father. So, was his father the only person who had seen this person's true face, and was he the only person who knew his true identity?

All of this has now been lost in the dust, and back then, Wutian Palace was not the only one who was chasing his father.

At this moment, Xiao Chen's eyes gradually became hardened. No matter how dangerous the road ahead was, he must find out the truth, the truth about his father back then, and the person... who injected the three corpse demons into himself.


At this moment, there was another strange movement in the sky. Everyone looked towards the cold sun. Everyone wanted to go there, but there was another layer of forbidden barrier in the middle. Unless we can work together to break this layer Ban, otherwise no one would be able to get there.

"How about we join forces and break that layer of restrictions first?"

At this time, an old man stood up in the distance, but looking at his white beard and hair, and his awe-inspiring immortality, he must be someone from the Taoist cultivating immortality, and his Taoism is not shallow.


Guan Zhen's momentum was strong and his voice was as loud as a bell. He replied in that direction. Many people were startled. He had such strong internal power...

After a while, everyone no longer hesitated and stepped towards the sky one after another. When they approached the forbidden barrier, everyone worked together to attack it with mysterious energy. Under the impact again and again, the forbidden barrier finally began to It's loose.

Everyone's expressions gradually became tense and solemn. Once the restrictive barrier was broken, it was conceivable that everyone would rush forward and the sky would be covered in blood today.

Looking around, there are so many quasi-sages here. As for those who have not yet reached the level of quasi-sages, even if they have reached the eighth level of heaven, they can only watch from below. No one dares to come up.

They are still relatively young, and there are all quasi-sages here. If there is a conflict, wouldn't they be willing to die if they come up?

About half an hour later, the restrictions on it were completely loosened, and the strong wind was cold and whining, like a cold sword blade, scraping against people's faces, which was painful.


There was a loud noise, and finally, under the combined efforts of everyone, the forbidden barrier in the eighth level shattered into pieces, and a cold breath immediately hit their faces, lifting the spirits of everyone present.

"What's coming towards me is the breath of the fairy world..."

Many people looked at the cold sun in the sky, and their faces showed a look of yearning. With just one step, they could step onto the ninth level of the sky!

At this moment, almost everyone rushed towards the cold sun in the sky. Although there was still some distance, there were still many huge stone palaces suspended above it, which could help everyone reach the top of the eighth heaven!


Qian Yu Nishang no longer hesitated, and immediately rushed towards the cold sun in the sky with Xiao Chen. However, before they had gone very far, several cold sword energy suddenly came from the opposite side, but it was Ghost Saint Feng Jingyun and others. People stood in front of them again.

When he saw these people coming to stop him, Xiao Chen didn't say much. When he pressed his true energy, he unleashed a thunderbolt and struck at each other fiercely!

But this time, there are two more saints among the ten saints, the Flame Saint Blazing Heart and the Sword Saint killing with seven steps. These two people are not ordinary people, especially the one who kills with seven steps. The sword energy that fills the sky is definitely not Most people can resist it!

Elsewhere, the Master of the Eternal Life Sword, the Mad King of the Snow Region, King Qin Guang, and the two men from the Jiuyou Clan were already fighting with others. In the stormy sky, strong winds were blowing, and rocks were flying everywhere. No one cared. No one is allowed to take action, leaving no room for action.

And those people watching the battle below all held their breath at this time, and their faces were slightly pale. With so many quasi-sage fighting, how could this kind of scene be something they could see outside?

"Boom boom boom!"

There was a loud noise like thunder, and in the high sky, one could see the huge stone palaces. Under the magical power of everyone, one after another turned into powder, and the sky was filled with dust and sand.

Taking advantage of the chaos, Xiao Meng'er took advantage of the Wugou Lotus Platform and flew towards the cold sun in the sky with her senior brother Liu Wuxin. Xiao Chen's eyes focused and he sent a spiritual thought to Qian Yu Nishang, "Stop them." "

Qianyu Nishang didn't say much. With a flick of her sleeves, she chased after them with a flash of light, blocking Xiao Menger and Liu Wuxin in an instant.

At this moment, Xiao Meng'er's face was still as calm as water. She had already expected that there would probably be a battle with Qian Yu Nishang from the Xuan Qing Sect in this storm.

Next to her, Liu Wuxin was not as indifferent as she was. He stared at Qian Yu Nishang and said, "Junior sister, you go to the Nine Heavens, and I will learn the Taoism of Xuanqing Sect."

"Be careful."

Xiao Meng'er's face was still as calm as water, and she only said two words. As soon as she finished speaking, she swept the dust in her hand, immediately raised the Wusui Lotus Platform, and continued to fly towards the "cold sun" in the sky.

But at this moment, Qian Yu Nishang made a slight seal with her hands, and the Three Flowers Gathering Seal on her eyebrows appeared directly. She instantly formed a clone and blocked Xiao Meng'er.

This move was so rapid that Liu Wuxin did not expect it. He couldn't help but feel a little startled in his heart. It was indeed a gathering of three flowers. This magical power of "one Qi transforming three pure beings" is really powerful...

Xiao Meng'er's eyes suddenly became as cold as frost. With a "clang" sound, Chen Xin Sword instantly turned into a green sword energy and slashed straight towards Qian Yu Nishang. At this moment, the two of them were facing each other tit for tat, setting off a huge wave of violence and fighting each other. Intimidation!

At this moment, everyone below held their breath. Who in the Lingxu Realm knows Xiao Meng'er's name? But now this woman from the Xuanqing Sect in the Five Realms of Immortal Yuan can actually compete with her... It's really shocking.

Looking at the other side, Xiao Chen was confronting the Ghost Sage and others. Even though his skills were profound and Gui Yunshan was helping him, six of the Ten Saints were there, so how could it be just talk?

"Boom boom boom!"

There was a loud noise like thunder, and the sky was full of smoke and dust. Xiao Chen fought against the six quasi-sages alone. Such a thrilling scene immediately attracted the attention of many people. Everyone really could not imagine that his cultivation level was so high. , those six people were the Ten Saints who disappeared that year...

At this moment, everyone below held their breath. They saw the sword master's seven-step killing sword coming out like a dragon, causing the sky to surge with wind and clouds.

The Ghost Saint is ever-changing, with layers of murderous intent, constantly attacking Xiao Chen, while the Poison Saint is hiding in the wind and clouds behind a few people, with bursts of black mist in his palm, waiting for the opportunity to move!


In the distance, Qian Yu Nishang secretly thought something was wrong. It was obvious that Xiao Chen had been forced back by these six people, but it was already very difficult for her to deal with Xiao Menger and Liu Wuxin alone at this time. It was difficult to form a clone and go to help Xiao Chen.

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