The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,145 Strange Spiritual Power

Xiao Chen moved closer to Qian Yu Nishang. Although he felt it was a bit rude, he still stared at the red mark under her left shoulder, close to her chest.

What is this light red mark that looks like a sword mark?

Xiao Chen's eyebrows gradually furrowed. If it were just an ordinary mark, it would not have attracted his attention. But what was the difference between this mark and him, he couldn't tell for a while.

At this moment, in his mind, he recalled the girl who had just come to Xuanqingmen. She was like the brightest star in the night sky. Even Tianmen admitted that she was the most talented person in the entire five realms of Immortal Yuan in the past hundred years. The tallest person. ✧

Just like Xiao Meng'er, everyone in the Lingxu Realm knows Xiao Meng'er, and outside the Five Realms of Immortality, no one doesn't know Qian Yu Nishang.

But Xiao Meng'er's identity is clear, but she?

Slowly, Xiao Chen's eyes became more and more fixed. He looked motionlessly at Qian Yu Nishang, who had fallen asleep in front of him, and looked at the red mark under her left shoulder. Who was she?

At this moment, in his mind, he recalled the time when he went down the mountain and returned to Ningcun. That time, she and he went back to Ningcun to see Aniang.

He still remembers everything that day clearly, not to mention how happy A Niang was when he saw her. But now, A Niang is no longer there, Ning Cun is no more, and no longer the junior sister she used to be.

Suddenly, Xiao Chen felt a stinging pain in his heart, as if he had been hit hard by something sharp. He had not felt this way for a long time. Ever since he became cold and cold, he seemed to have taken everything lightly. I don’t care that much anymore.

But at this moment, when he thought about those years, Ningcun, A Niang, and Qian Yu Nishang at that time, his heart seemed to be stabbed by something again.

"you you……"

At this moment, Qian Yu Nishang suddenly woke up. Although she was still a little weak, she subconsciously covered her chest, tried her best to lean to the side, lowered her head and said, "You... what are you doing."

Seeing her suddenly waking up, Xiao Chen immediately came to his senses. He didn't know how to speak for a moment and said, "You... fell into a coma before."

"So? You're not going out yet..." Qian Yu Nishang was still about to say something, but still lowered her head and leaned towards the side of the cave, not looking at him.

"I'm not sure if there are any remaining toxins in your body... If anything happens, just call me."

Xiao Chen frowned slightly, and after saying the last sentence, he said no more, turned around and walked out of the cave, wondering if she was so eager to drive him out because he noticed the red mark under her shoulder?

It wasn't until dusk turned that Qian Yu Nishang came out of the cave. Feeling that her aura had returned to normal, Xiao Chen frowned and asked, "How is it? Have all the remaining poisons been eliminated?"

"never mind……"

Qian Yu Nishang shook her head, with a strange expression on her face at this time, but under the dusk, the valley was slightly dark, so Xiao Chen couldn't see clearly.

"Probably I won't be able to perform my qigong for the past two days."

Qian Yu Nishang raised her palm and looked at it. Although the poison in her body had been eliminated, Zang Fengyun's poison was still very powerful after all, which made it still difficult for her to perform martial arts. Maybe any master in the Hehe period could kill her. To death.

"It doesn't matter, it will be fine once the poison is removed."

Xiao Chen still frowned. As he spoke, he looked outside the valley. After a while, he turned back and looked at her and said, "The valley here is full of spiritual energy. Tonight, you will restore your spiritual energy here." …”

"What about you, where are you going?"

Qian Yu Nishang also looked at him, wondering if he was going to find the gathering point of spiritual power leading to the eighth heaven? That's right, the previous gathering point of spiritual power disappeared, and it was probably Xiao Meng'er who climbed up. If he didn't catch up, Xiao Meng'er might have climbed up to the Nine Heavens first...

"It's okay, you can go..." Just when she was about to say this, Xiao Chen shook his head, looked at her and said, "Not going anywhere, just outside the valley."

The two of them looked at each other. At this moment, Qianyu Nishang seemed to have suddenly lost consciousness. Under the hazy twilight, it seemed that the man in front of him had his hair darkening little by little, and his stern appearance gradually turned into the bright and clear look of the young man in the past. "I am a teacher." Brother, of course I have to protect my junior sister..."

But when she blinked, Xiao Chen was still the same as he was now, with hair as white as snow and as cold as frost. From the beginning to the end, he had not changed.

This night, the stars and the moon were bright, and the bright moonlight reflected the entire Flower Valley more clearly and flawlessly. The lake was like a mirror, reflecting the stars in the sky.

This is the seventh heaven, so we can still see such a scene, but when we get to the eighth or even the ninth heaven, I don't know what it will be like.

In the middle of the night, when the moon was shining brightly in the sky, Xiao Chen stood guard at the mouth of the valley and suddenly felt a little bit of spiritual power flowing. The spiritual power was going to the northwest. Although it was a little weak, it was definitely flowing.

Obviously, a gathering point of spiritual power may gradually be formed in the northwest direction, wait, no... Xiao Chen's expression condensed, and he immediately probed a hundred miles away with his spiritual consciousness. The spiritual power is not just gathering in one place, but Gather in multiple places.

How could this be?

This time, Xiao Chen was even more confused. When he stood up, he took another look into the valley. No, he couldn't leave now. Qian Yu Nishang's skills have not yet recovered. If someone comes to the valley at this time, she will definitely will be in extreme danger.

"Bone Demon."

At this moment, Xiao Chen thought of something and immediately released the Bone Demon from the Qiankun in his sleeves. He frowned and asked, "Can you sense anything?"

"Hmm...what a strange spiritual power."

The bone demon also looked to the northwest, and after a long time he said, "It's not just one place of spiritual power. Could it be that someone is setting up an array to gather spiritual energy? Setting up an array in the stormy sky, gathering spiritual energy like this, unless... has entered People of the Holy Land.”

"Holy Realm..."

Even though he was no longer unfamiliar with the word Holy Realm, when he heard it from the Bone Demon, he still couldn't help but tremble slightly in his heart. Didn't Madam Xianshu say that people who have entered the Holy Realm cannot come to Fengyuntian? How could it be...could it be!

At this moment, Xiao Chen seemed to have thought of something. Madam Xian Shu only said that people who have become saints cannot come to Fengyun Tian, ​​but he seems to have overlooked a problem. People who have become saints cannot come to Fengyun Tian. What about the people who never went out during the storm?

"Wait...that's a little weird."

The bone demon concentrated on sensing again, and Xiao Chen wanted to detect his spiritual consciousness again, but the bone demon stretched out his hand to stop him. "Boy! You don't want your life? If the other party is a person who has become a saint, you will use your spiritual consciousness like this." Exploring the past, do you think you can avoid his consciousness?"

Hearing this, Xiao Chen suddenly felt a chill in his back. Yes, if the other party is really a holy person, and he has probed it with his spiritual consciousness like this, and now the enemy is unknown, wouldn't he immediately expose himself and Qian Yu Nishang to danger?

"What's wrong?"

At this moment, a voice came from behind, and Qian Yu Nishang came out. She had already seen the Bone Demon, so she was not surprised at this time. She only looked at Xiao Chen, "What happened?"


Xiao Chen shook his head and asked her, "Has your skill recovered?"

"Well, it's nothing serious." Qian Yu Nishang nodded slightly. As he spoke, he looked to the northwest and frowned. "This spiritual power..."

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