The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,136 Xiao Meng'er's Perseverance

"Junior sister..."

Liu Wuxin's face was shocked. Although the two yin and yang restrictions were offset, the moment just now was too thrilling. Fortunately, she used her magic power accurately, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

At this time, the people below were also secretly sweating. If it were them, they really didn't know how to deal with the situation just now.

Xiao Chen was also silent at this time. They had not seen her for more than half a year, and now her control over the mysterious power was much more precise.

"Junior sister, how are you?"

Liu Wuxin formed seals with both hands, constantly concentrating his profound energy, but he was worried that what would happen next would be even worse. It was still too late to turn back, but once he went up there, it would be even more dangerous, and there would be no way back. .

"It's okay, senior brother, don't worry."

Xiao Meng'er looked at the Yin-Yang Tai Chi diagram in the sky. The more dangerous the front was, the more she had to move forward. She saw her hands forming a seal, and a mysterious light rose up from her body. Suddenly, she rose ten meters higher. More than ten feet away.

Upon seeing this, Liu Wuxin immediately followed him to avoid causing an imbalance of yin and yang, and said, "Junior sister, please slow down, don't be in a hurry..."


Xiao Meng'er nodded slightly, and the two of them cooperated seamlessly with each other, getting closer and closer to the Yin-Yang Tai Chi diagram in the sky.


At this moment, there was a sudden sound in the sky, and from the Yin-Yang Tai Chi diagram in the sky, two mysterious lights, black and white, suddenly hit the two of them.

This time the black and white mysterious light is even more powerful, with a very strong power of the formation. Even though the two of them still maintain the balance of yin and yang and have not touched the restriction below, there is no guarantee that they can withstand the impact of this black and white mysterious light. .

"Junior careful!"

Liu Wuxin was extremely nervous. He quickly changed the seals with his hands and used a burst of magic power to strike at the white mysterious light. Xiao Meng'er concentrated her true energy and struck at the black mysterious light.

But this time, the two mysterious lights did not dissipate as before. Instead, they became heavier and heavier, and the power of the formation became stronger and stronger, constantly pressing towards the two of them.

Obviously, in this Yin-Yang Tai Chi formation, not only do the two of them need to cooperate tacitly to ensure the balance of Yin and Yang, but they also need to have a lot of Taoism to withstand the attack of this Tai Chi diagram.

But the Tai Chi diagram's offensive has become stronger and stronger, and the two of them are almost unable to withstand it. If they are below, it is not difficult to resist the Tai Chi diagram's offensive. Even if they can't resist it, they can. Avoid, but now they are both in the formation, and their movements are restricted. Once the yin and yang of the formation are imbalanced, it will be extremely dangerous.


Seeing that the power of the formation was getting stronger and stronger, Liu Wuxin secretly thought that something was not right. Even if he did not touch the restrictions in the formation, it would be difficult to rush out now. And if he touched the restrictions in the formation, the consequences would be even more unpredictable. He could no longer forcefully continue. Got it, but junior sister...

I saw that Xiao Meng'er's eyes were still firm, and the ever-changing whisk sword in her hand blocked all the layers of mysterious light. There was no restriction that could stop her from moving forward.

Seeing how persistent his junior sister was, Liu Wuxin had no choice but to grit his teeth and continue going up. The higher up they went, the more they had no way out.

At this moment, everyone below held their breath, as if they were in it. As the power of the formations hit the two of them, everyone's hearts became tense. If even the two of them were If you can't break through the formation, who else can break out of here today?


Suddenly, another sound came, and then the Tai Chi diagram in the sky suddenly started to rotate, and then there were black and white sword energy falling from it, vowing to turn anyone who came up to it into ashes. !

"Junior careful!"

Liu Wuxin's face changed slightly, and his hands quickly changed tactics. At this moment, Huaguang suddenly appeared, and mana emerged from his body like a spring, blocking countless sharp black and white sword energies in an instant.

Many people below were shocked. It turned out that his Taoism was so high. No wonder, he is the third disciple of Donghua Immortal Lord after all. Even though his talent may not be as good as Xiao Meng'er, he can get started. It's been a long time, how can your cultivation level be low?

"Shout! Shout! Shout!"

Above the sky, the black and white sword energy in the Tai Chi diagram continued to fall. One after another, they seemed to carry the power of destruction. Xiao Meng'er walked among them, trying to avoid these sword energies while ensuring that the yin and yang in the formation were not out of balance. It's really not something ordinary people can do.


Suddenly there was another loud noise, and the entire formation trembled violently. However, when the two of them avoided the black and white sword energy, they finally accidentally unbalanced the yin and yang and touched the restriction in the formation.


Liu Wuxin's expression changed. Even if the two of them restored the yin and yang in an instant, the restriction had been triggered just now, and it was probably unavoidable. Coupled with the sword energy that was all over the sky at this time, it would be impossible no matter how it goes on. Not good.

At this moment, he made a decisive decision and immediately sent a spiritual message to Xiao Meng'er, "Junior Sister! The restriction in the formation has been triggered, we must retreat immediately... Junior Sister!"

Liu Wuxin was suddenly startled. At this moment, he didn't see his junior sister retreating. Instead, he saw her forcefully breaking through the sword energy and continuing to go up!

"Junior sister!"

Liu Wuxin suddenly changed her face in shock. Why was she so persistent? The look in her eyes at this moment...

At this moment, Liu Wuxin was suddenly startled, as if she had never really known the junior sister in front of her. Why was she so persistent at this moment? Did she not even want her life? What on earth could make her so persistent that it was even more important than her life!

"Xiao Meng'er..."

In the valley, Xiao Chen also frowned slightly. Although he could not see the expression on Xiao Meng'er's face at this moment, he could feel that her persistence at this time was beyond life and death.

What is it that makes her so persistent that she doesn't even care about her life? Is it just that she wants to prove that she is the number one member of the Xiao family? No, that's not right...

"Meng'er, do you know that in the ancient Eastern cultivation world, our Xiao family was the most powerful existence in the world. Even the gods in heaven were afraid of our Xiao family. In the past, one of our ancestors was this One of the strongest people in the world..."

"Grandpa, I will definitely let the Xiao family regain its former glory..."

The sword energy in the sky fell mercilessly, but at this moment, Xiao Meng'er suddenly burst out with a strong and dazzling mysterious light. At this moment, a surging bloodline power was instantly ignited!

"That is!"

The cultivators in the valley were all shocked when they saw Xiao Meng'er's whole body, with a mysterious light rising to the sky. At this moment, she was like a goddess in the heaven, blocking out the restrictions in the Yin-Yang Tai Chi array layer by layer!

"Oh? The bloodline of the goddess... is a bit interesting." In the distance, the evil man from the Jiuyou Clan smiled faintly. At this moment, he seemed a little surprised.

"It's strange how she has the blood of the goddess of the heavenly clan..."

Yan Yunji also narrowed her eyes. In this world, how could anyone have the blood of the goddess of the Celestial Clan? It's really strange. Could it be that back then... there was a goddess from heaven who came down to earth to help the Xiao family, and the legend turned out to be true?

"Xiao Menger, you really hide your secrets..."

In the valley, Xiao Chen also narrowed his eyes. Although he didn't know what the blood aura was on Xiao Meng'er at this time, he thought it was definitely extraordinary.

"Junior sister... no!"

Seeing that Xiao Meng'er actually used the power of blood at this time, Liu Wuxin's expression changed even more. He heard from his master that there was a very strong power of blood sealed in the junior sister's body, but if this blood was used rashly, The power is very likely to cause disaster.


Sure enough, thunderclouds suddenly surged above the nine heavens. Even the cultivators below felt frightened at this moment. How could it be possible...could the power of blood in her body be able to attract heavenly punishment?

However, at this moment, Xiao Meng'er was still fearless. With a sweep of the whisk, she went up to the clouds in the sky and was already less than a hundred feet away from the Yin-Yang Tai Chi diagram!

Liu Wuxin's face had already turned pale. It wasn't that he had never seen such a scene before, but that it was dangerous and only he knew it! If he is not careful, he and his junior sister will be destroyed in the formation. Unless the master comes here, no one can save them!

But at this moment, he couldn't stop. Even if he knew that the road ahead was dangerous and he would escape death, he had to keep up. If he didn't keep up, the entire Tai Chi array would be out of balance!

"Junior sister!"

At this moment, Liu Wuxin also tried his best, no longer looking forward or backward. In ancient times, he would sacrifice his life to accompany a gentleman, and today he was just sacrificing his life to accompany his junior sister. He saw his hands constantly forming seals, and mysterious lights flying from his body, and he followed him in an instant Go up there, it doesn't matter whether you live or die.

Just like this, with everyone holding their breath and watching intently, the two of them kept flying towards the Yin-Yang Taiji Diagram in the sky. No matter how restricted the formation became, they became more and more heavy, and no matter how ruthlessly slashing down the black and white sword energy on the sky, the two of them actually Never took a step back.

"Seriously, I don't want to die..."

In the valley, many people were shocked. At this moment, Xiao Meng'er looked like a goddess, with a dazzling mysterious light. When she was less than ten feet away from the Yin-Yang Tai Chi diagram, she saw her fly whisk. Sweeping, a majestic force surged out, shaking the sword energy all over the sky.

Then she and Liu Wuxin flew into the black and white Taichi diagram together, and were nowhere to be seen again.

Slowly, tranquility gradually returned to the world. The Yin-Yang Tai Chi diagram in the sky slowly stabilized. The entire Yin-Yang Tai Chi array has also stabilized. There are no more restrictions. High in the sky, the layers of turbulence The thundercloud also dissipated at this time.

In the valley, there were still many people who had not come back to their senses at this moment, as if they were in a dream. The scene just now was so thrilling, but in the end, Xiao Menger still went up, and she had already reached the seventh heaven. , was the first to go up among everyone here.

At this time, behind the valley, on a treacherous peak in the distance, a figure was seen standing on the top of the peak. Amid the coldness of the mountain, it seemed to give people a bone-chilling feeling.


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