The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,129 Ten Thousand Demon Cliffs

"Be careful... someone is coming down again!"

The crowd suddenly became commotion again, and everyone dispersed into the distance. Several more figures were seen falling down from the high sky. It looked like they were seriously injured.

At this time, everyone was even more panicked, and they didn't even know who the people who were killing people on the sixth heaven were...

In Fengyun Tian, ​​there is a destiny of life and death. The moment you step on it, you should understand it. But at this moment, many people still feel anxious and uneasy, especially those who are not too high in cultivation. Even if they go to the sixth The road to Chongtian was right in front of them, but they would never dare to go any further.

"He...he went up!"

Just when everyone was panicking, they saw a figure suddenly flying into the spiritual light, heading straight to the sixth heaven. The figure with flying white hair was none other than Xiao Chen.

"Is this young man... going to die?"

At this time, there were several old men not far away with equally horrified expressions on their faces. They had just heard the last two words of Tianmu spoken by the seriously injured man in blood-clothed clothes. ✬✰

Before that, they didn't know who was killing people in the sixth heaven. It wasn't until they heard the word "sky curtain" that they suddenly felt as if they were falling into a cold pool.

Perhaps very few people among the younger generation knew about the mysterious organization Tianmu, but there were still some people from the older generation who knew about this mysterious organization...

But the problem is that since the incident of the Xiao family more than forty years ago, the Tianmu organization seems to have disappeared. Over the years, I have never heard anything related to it. Why did it suddenly appear this time? And it’s still in this stormy sky...

At this moment, in the valley, the younger generation didn't know why. They only thought that there were powerful people in the sixth heaven who were killing people, but they didn't know who did it. However, the faces of the older generation were even more pale and stunned. Looking at Xiao Chen's figure disappearing into the dark clouds in the sky.

"This young man will probably die if he goes up there..."

Many people below shook their heads and sighed. If it were them, they would never dare to go to the sixth level of wind and cloud at this time.

High in the sky, thunderclouds surged, filled with a terrifying forbidden aura. Xiao Chen condensed his energy all over his body and pushed his speed to the limit, hoping to break through this layer of forbidden thunderclouds in the shortest possible time.


The thunder continued all around, and the divine thunder loomed, and the scene was extremely terrifying. Finally, after burning a stick of incense, Xiao Chen broke through the restrictions on this level and arrived at the sixth level of heaven.

As soon as he arrived in this stormy sky, he felt an icy chill. The cold wind was howling all around, and there was not a single person in the huge valley.

However, the hidden murderous intention did not diminish in the cold wind. Xiao Chen immediately suppressed his breath to avoid being spied on.

Even though he has extraordinary cultivation and is protected by Xuanwu armor, he must not be too careless when he comes to this wind and cloud in the sky.

Not to mention how many hidden masters came to Fengyun Tian this time, the sky curtain alone was by no means as easy to deal with as imagined.

But before that, Xiao Chen had already predicted that in this Wushuang meeting, the ten saints who disappeared from the world more than forty years ago would appear again.

And during this period of time, he asked Ye Ying to investigate, and it was definitely not without any gains. Both the Ten Saints and the sky were closely related to his father's incident back then.

"It seems that not long after, another little bug came up to die. What? Just one this time, tsk tsk tsk..."

Just as Xiao Chen was concentrating, a strange young man's voice suddenly sounded not far away. Xiao Chen immediately condensed his expression and looked in the direction of the voice. He saw five people suddenly walking out of the woods over there.

Among the five people, there was a beautiful woman in the middle, dressed in red like rosy clouds, with a faint smile on her face.

On the left side of the woman, there was a young man in white clothes, with his hands folded on his chest, looking at Xiao Chen with a sneer, a look of disdain on his face, that is, the young man who just spoke.

On the right side of the woman is a tall man in green clothes, holding a folding fan in his hand, who looks particularly majestic.

As for the person on the far right, he is a hunchbacked old man holding a cane in his hand. He is wearing black clothes and looks a bit cold and mysterious. He seems to be the leader of these people.

The one on the far left is an unusually large man, at least ten feet tall. He looks like a giant. His body is covered with chains and there are two red-hot hammers.

Xiao Chen could tell at a glance that these five people were extraordinary people. Although judging from the aura, none of these five people had entered the realm of quasi-sages, their skills were extremely profound and as difficult to fathom as the bottom of the abyss. I'm afraid they were Ordinary quasi-sages can't fight against these five people. No wonder there are so many people down there who can't get up.

"You are the people of Tianmu."

At this moment, Xiao Chen looked at the five people who were slowly approaching. His eyes were still calm and his voice was cold and indifferent. However, thinking about it, the real masters of Tianmu were definitely not these five people.

"Oh? You actually know Tianmu..."

The young man in white smiled evilly and said, "Now that you know who we are, if you don't hurry up and move forward, do you want to die?"

Xiao Chen's expression remained unchanged. The woman in red clothes looked at him, and naturally she could see that he had extraordinary skills, which were definitely not comparable to those who came up before. She said, "Go back to where you came from. I won’t take action against you, otherwise no matter who you are, your fate will be the same as those people.”

"Really..." Xiao Chen's voice was cold and indifferent. The strong wind was raging around him, but it was still difficult for him to retreat.


The young man in white smiled coldly, "Sister Hong, this kid is not afraid of death, so just let me go and play with him!" As soon as he finished speaking, his whole body turned into lightning and attacked Xiao Chen in an instant.


The woman in red stretched out her hand, and a look of surprise flashed on her face. She naturally saw that Xiao Chen's cultivation was extraordinary. If the fifth brother rushed forward so rashly, it would be a disaster.

However, before she could say anything to stop him, the young man in white rushed to Xiao Chen in an instant, made a slight seal with his hands, and instantly transformed into a dozen phantom clones, attacking Xiao Chen at the same time.

More than a dozen clones seemed to have the same fatal lethality as the original one. It would be difficult for ordinary people to resist such a fierce attack. But in Xiao Chen's eyes, all this was too slow. Compared with the original Guiyun Mountain attack This young man is still far behind in the art of cloning and sneaking.

In just a moment, Xiao Chen discerned where the young man in white was. He flicked his fingers, and a "bang" sound sent him flying back, and the phantom clones around him were also disillusioned at this moment.


The woman in red was shocked. All of this happened in a flash of lightning, and the young man flew back with a pale face.

Xiao Chen's finger just now was either heavy or light. At least for a short period of time, it would be difficult for this young man to use his kung fu again, unless he wanted to cut off his meridians.


Suddenly, the unusually large man roared and rushed towards Xiao Chen. His huge body was like a small hill. Every time he took a step, the entire ten-mile radius would tremble.

His skill is very profound, completely different from that boy. If he were to hit him with a punch, not only his physical body would be turned into flesh in an instant, but even his soul would be shattered in an instant.

However, before he had gone through a few moves, Xiao Chen flew up and kicked the man in the chin, causing him to fall heavily backward, stirring up dust all over the ground.

"Fourth brother is no match for this kid. Let's go together!"

The old man in black had cold eyes. As soon as he finished speaking, his whole body turned into a black mist and he quickly attacked Xiao Chen.

The man in green and the woman in red did not hesitate and attacked in an instant. After the young man in white recovered, he also rushed forward again.

The five of them fought together against Xiao Chen. For a moment, a strong wind blew up, raising dust all over the ground, and the clouds were billowing outside.

However, not even a moment later, Xiao Chen seemed to transform into five clones in an instant, and he suddenly shot out his palm, "Bang, bang, bang!" The five people were hit with a palm at the same time, and they all flew backwards.

In another moment, Xiao Chen landed lightly on the ground. His white hair behind his shoulders was still like snow, and there was no trace of dust on the corners of his clothes.

And those five people, especially the woman in red, had the most shocked look on her face. The five of them were so powerful that if they attacked at the same time, not even a third-level quasi-sage could defeat them. Even a sixth-level quasi-sage could only fight against them at most. They were in a draw, and to be able to repel them so easily was obviously level six or above...

The woman in red turned pale and looked at Xiao Chen with shock. The aura of the person in front of her was clearly not that of a quasi-sage, but her strength had exceeded that of a sixth-level quasi-sage. It was really hard to imagine that he...

At this moment, she noticed the long snow-like hair behind Xiao Chen's shoulders and his cold eyes. Could it be that he was...

"Where are your people?"

The cold words came out of Xiao Chen's mouth, and the woman in red couldn't help but tremble. If he had killed a few of her just now, then she might not be able to stand here well now.


The young man in white snorted coldly, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said, "If you have the ability, just go to Ten Thousand Demons Cliff. Everyone is there now!"

"Ten Thousand Demon Cliffs..."

Xiao Chen calculated with his fingers. At this moment, he suddenly felt a mysterious aura from the southwest. What was that aura...

"Sister Hong, let's go!"

The young man formed a seal with his hands and stopped caring about Xiao Chen. In an instant, they disappeared without a trace.

After those people left, the area slowly became quiet again, and the cold wind was filled with a sense of chilling. Xiao Chen stared at the sky in the southwest, no longer hesitated, and flew over there. .

Three days and three nights passed like this, and by today, he should be closer to the Ten Thousand Demon Cliffs, because he could feel the mysterious aura more and more clearly.

In the past three days, he naturally also met some other cultivators, and only then did he learn that it turned out that Xiao Meng'er and the others had already arrived at the sixth heaven, but they had been trapped in the Ten Thousand Demons Cliff. Currently, there was no One can pass from there.

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