The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,121 The Third Heaven

"Boy, follow faster!"

The Bone Demon flew ahead, fearless of the restrictions around the valley, and its speed reached its limit. If anyone saw this scene, it would probably cause quite a disturbance.

After all, one can imagine how powerful an immortal skeleton like this is that has passed away for thousands or even tens of thousands of years but is still alive.

This does not mean that as long as you are an immortal, you will be immortal for eternity. No matter how powerful the immortals, demons, gods and Buddhas in the past were, they have long been turned into dust in the river of thousands of years. However, the bones of this immortal can be preserved intact to this day. There must be something special about it. Something unusual.

The strong wind was raging, and Xiao Chen carefully avoided the restrictions in the valley. He also used the Lingxian Step under his feet to the extreme. When he was about to rush out of the valley, the bone demon suddenly stopped and said, "Boy... wait a minute."

"What's wrong?"

Xiao Chen also stopped immediately and looked around. The black wind from yesterday was no longer visible. At this moment, the Bone Demon seemed to become very vigilant. "If I go out like this, if anyone sees me, I will inevitably get into trouble." ”


Xiao Chen looked at him and said calmly, "Didn't you just say that you can kill those people outside with one palm?"


The bone demon snorted coldly and said displeasedly, "I'm not talking about the past. As for now... hum! Now with my strength, I don't even bother to fight with these juniors. If I really want to take action, I..."

"You can kill them all with one palm." Xiao Chen took his words and said.

"Ahem...that's exactly it!"

The Bone Demon coughed and waved his hand, "That's all. Not to mention the hero's bravery in the past, now I have to find a way to hide my traces..."

"As long as you know."

Xiao Chen looked at him and said, "It's no longer three hundred years ago. If those people see such an immortal's bones, they will definitely fight for it. Your soul will not be saved by then, so I think, you It's better to wear a robe on your body." After saying that, he threw a black robe over with a flick of his hand.

The bone demon immediately put on the robe on his body. Although his traces were covered up, the faint immortal energy emanating from the immortal bones was still difficult to hide. Anyone with a slightly higher level of cultivation would be able to see the clues.

"When necessary, I will take you into the universe in my sleeves. In this way, no one will be able to discover you unless you are a cultivator of the third level or above of the Holy Realm who breaks the universe in my sleeves."

Xiao Chen looked at him and said calmly.


The bone demon snorted coldly and said as if he didn't care at all, "It's just the third realm of the Holy Realm. If it were back then, I would..."

"You can kill it with one palm." Xiao Chen took over his words again.

"As long as you know... let's go!"

The Bone Demon flicked his sleeves, stepped on his feet, and walked away. Xiao Chen looked at his leaving figure and thought that although the Bone Demon was a bit exaggerated, he had been in this stormy world for a long time, so he must have He knew Feng Yuntian very well, and with him around, he would save himself a lot of trouble. Thinking of this, he no longer hesitated, showed off his light skills, and followed immediately.

As expected, with this Bone Demon by his side, Xiao Chen no longer strayed into those dangerous forbidden areas, let alone the terrifying black wind from before. At noon on the second day, he found a spiritual power gathering point and went directly to the third place. The triple storm is over.

The surrounding spiritual energy suddenly became much more abundant, and the sea of ​​clouds was slowly surging, faintly revealing an extraordinary aura. The third level of Fengyuntian was obviously different from the second level, and the scope was probably wider. many.

"The third heaven..."

The bone demon came to a cliff, put his hands behind his back, and looked like a peerless expert. He turned back and glanced at Xiao Chen, "Boy, are you going to the fourth level or what?"

"Not urgent."

Xiao Chen walked up and remembered the strange movement that came from the sky that afternoon in the second heaven. If there was no accident, that strange movement should have come from the third heaven.

Although the second heaven and the third heaven are only one layer apart, he can clearly feel that in this third heaven, although the spiritual power is much stronger, it is also more chaotic. There must be many people. Gathered in this third heaven.

There are only two reasons for people to gather in the third level.

First, on the third level of the stormy sky, there is a unique treasure. Everyone wants to fight for it. They would rather not go up than stay to fight for this rare treasure.

Second, everyone has encountered obstacles and is temporarily unable to go to the fourth level.

Apart from these two reasons, Xiao Chen couldn't think of any other reasons that caused everyone to gather in the third heaven.

"What? What are you hesitating about?" The Bone Demon turned around and saw that he was hesitant and asked.

"There's something wrong with the situation on this floor."

Xiao Chen looked around and said, "I can feel that there are many people in this level. If you don't want to run into trouble later, go ahead and take care of the world in my sleeves now."


The bone demon also looked around, and finally turned around and hummed, "Forget it, those juniors are not worthy of fighting with me. I will only help you find the gathering point of spiritual power. If you want to fight with others, you should do it yourself!" After saying that, it instantly turned into a wisp of black wind and got into Xiao Chen's sleeve.

Xiao Chen raised his sleeves, not expecting him to be able to help him defend himself against the enemy. From yesterday to now, this bone demon had talked a lot, and would easily kill a holy master with one palm. However, in fact, as long as there was someone, If there is any disturbance, he can hide faster than anyone else.

At this moment, after putting the Bone Demon into his sleeves, Xiao Chen no longer hesitated, collected the breath from his body, and immediately went forward. There must be some problems in this level. I wonder if Xiao Meng'er is also in this level.

Next, three days passed, and during these three days, even with the help of the Bone Demon, Xiao Chen could not find any complete spiritual power gathering point. Even though there were some places where spiritual energy gathered, the spiritual energy seemed to be absorbed. Life is cut off, and it is completely insufficient to withstand the restrictions in the sky.

This time Xiao Chen finally understood that the strange movement on that day should be that all the spiritual power gathering points in this level collapsed. So now, everyone has gathered in this level, and no one can go to the fourth level for the time being. , If you can’t get to the fourth level, naturally you can’t get to the fifth level, or the sixth level…

Next, we have to wait for the spiritual power to condense again, and where is Xiao Menger? Is Xiao Menger also waiting for her spiritual power to regroup?

In the past three days, Xiao Chen did not see Xiao Meng'er, but he bumped into many people from other sect forces, and even saw people from the Beigong family.

"Boy, where are you going next?"

At this moment, the consciousness of the Bone Demon suddenly came out from the universe in the sleeves. There were too many people in this third level of heaven. One or two people with a high level of cultivation could be seen almost every few miles, so the Bone Demon The devil has been hiding in Qiankun in Xiuli and has not yet appeared.

“Go where there are many people.”

Xiao Chen sent his spiritual thoughts back into his sleeves. It was obvious that there was nothing he could do now. The gathering points of spiritual power in all places had collapsed and he could not find them no matter how hard he searched.

In this case, before these spiritual powers can gather again, we have to go to a crowded place to see if we can find other ways to get up. If we have to fly up by force, he has seen them before, and all of them are without exception. Under the restrictions of Fengyuntian, it disappeared into ashes.

In the afternoon, Xiao Chen followed everyone to a very large valley. The valley was full of spiritual energy, which was much richer than outside. I don't know why so many people gathered here.

At this time, he had already suppressed his aura, and no one recognized him. The Bone Demon was also deeply hidden, not showing any aura, and no one noticed him for the time being.

When they arrived at the inner valley, they suddenly saw a group of people coming from the opposite side. One of them said, "Everyone is trapped in the third heaven now. I see the Mad King of the Snow Realm and the Master of the Eternal Life Sword. They are so powerful. I am afraid that they will not be able to survive this time." It’s not possible to go up for the time being…”

Another person added, "It seems that Xiao Meng'er was the only one who went up that day. She is worthy of being Donghua Immortal Lord's disciple. She can go up to such dangerous places. With one person's strength, she can resist the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder. It is really powerful... "

Hearing this, Xiao Chen couldn't help but feel a little condensed in his heart, and immediately stopped. Xiao Meng'er had already gone up?

"Boy, what are you doing?"

Seeing him suddenly stop, the bone demon's consciousness once again came out of Qiankun in his sleeves.

Xiao Chen slowly came back to his senses and looked up at the sky. No wonder he hadn't seen her in the past three days. It turned out that she had been up there a long time ago... It was ridiculous that he was still watching out for her down here.

The people on the opposite side slowly approached and heard another person say, "That's not right. I heard from my senior brother before that that day... he seemed to have seen another woman go up."


"I don't know. I heard from senior brother that he only saw the woman's back. He glanced at her and then disappeared in the blink of an eye. The speed was too fast..."

"You didn't even see his appearance?"

"No, I heard my senior brother describe it at that time. She looked like a fairy in the Nine Heavens in her feathery robes and colorful clothes. Just her back made people's hearts flutter..."

Those people passed by Xiao Chen, but Xiao Chen was still standing there, dressed in feathers and colorful clothes, and glanced at him...could it be her?


Just as he was meditating, a loud sound suddenly came from a distant mountain top, and then the whole valley trembled. Everyone was startled. They followed the sound and saw suddenly billowing dust and smoke over there. It was obvious that There are people fighting over there.

"Go over and have a look!"

Immediately, many people were attracted by it, and they all went there. At this moment, Xiao Chen also came back to his senses. It was not that he was attracted by the fighting over there, but that at that moment, he sensed something happening over there. A very strong spiritual power.

"In half an hour, the spiritual energy from all directions will gather there. Boy, hurry over."

At this time, the bone demon's spiritual consciousness came out from Qiankun in the sleeves again, and Xiao Chen no longer hesitated, and followed the others and flew to the top of the mountain over there.

When they arrived nearby, they saw two people confronting each other in the air on the top of the mountain. One of them was dancing wildly, holding a golden lion sword with a cold blade. Just such an aura was frightening. It is extremely extraordinary.

The other person, with white hair like snow, is a middle-aged man with a little red eyebrows. The long sword in his hand is like snow. Only the tip of the sword has a little blood-red sword mark.

"It's the Mad King of the Snow Region and the Master of the Eternal Life Sword..."

After seeing these two people, many people who had just heard the noise and rushed over were shocked. When they looked at them, they saw that there were several corpses at the feet of the two people, and there were more than twenty seriously injured people nearby. Everyone fell to the ground and vomited blood.

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