The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1111 Tianshan Forty-Nine Formation

The four real people's eyebrows were deeply furrowed, and their faces were deeply worried. At this time, they were in an attic, with all the windows in the room open. The gentle evening breeze caused the candlelight on the table to sway gently.

Lingluan leaned against the window sill, resting her hands on her forehead, looking at the crescent moon high in the sky, which looked like a beautiful woman's curved eyebrows. There was a ray of sadness between her eyebrows.

To this day, she still remembers the night before everyone left. Xiao Chen promised her that he would return safely, but in the end, he failed to keep his promise.


Lingluan frowned slightly, and the cold night only added a little more sadness to her heart. The tragic battle in Xuanxiao Palace more than a month ago has not subsided yet, and in the end, where Xiao Chen went, there was no one You know that after Qin Tianzong and others come back, they will definitely keep it secret to avoid unnecessary trouble.

A few days later, it was still snowing heavily outside Suwen Palace. These days, Hua Weiyang would still go outside the Ice Palace to take a look, but she still didn't see Fairy Suwen coming out of it.

In the Ice Palace, white smoke filled the air. The cold air in the palace was not just cold air, but also the essence of Tianshan's spiritual energy. ✦

Today, the shocking injuries on Xiao Chen's body have disappeared, the damaged heart veins have been repaired, and the damaged bones have grown back, even stronger than before.

But to this day, he still shows no sign of waking up, as if he has fallen into a deep sleep.

Fairy Su Wen has been treating his injuries for more than a month. No matter how high her cultivation level is, she will inevitably consume too much. At this time, she can clearly see that her cheeks and lips are much paler. It is obvious that she has been treated for more than a month. , because she consumes a lot of power.

"Still can't wake up..."

In the ice pool, white smoke filled the air. In order to prevent the spiritual power from being blocked, Fairy Suwen even took off one layer of her outer clothes. However, her shoulders were as flawless as jade, her wrists were as bright as snow, and there was no trace of spiritual energy flowing around. After a while, all of Xiao Chen's damaged internal organs had been repaired.

But today, Xiao Chen still can't wake up. Fairy Suwen can't help but frown slowly. As of today, she has consumed too much power. If she continues to consume power, she is afraid that her vitality will be damaged and she will be killed. It will affect her future practice.

But if he stopped rescuing him, Xiao Chen would remain in a coma and fall asleep like this, and it would take him a year to wake up.

Fairy Suwen's eyebrows furrowed deeper and deeper. Over the past few hundred years, she had saved many people, but she had never encountered someone as troublesome as Xiao Chen. No matter how good her medical skills were, sometimes she felt helpless.

However, the more this happened, the more she wanted to save the person in front of her. She would not give up until she could save him.

She had a sharp look in her eyes, her hands transformed into seals, and she pressed her two fingers to the "Jade Pillow Point" on the back of Xiao Chen's head. As a burst of true energy entered, Xiao Chen's face gradually regained its color. But when Fairy Suwen removes this true energy, his face will turn pale again.

This time, Fairy Suwen continued to change the seals, put her hands on his shoulders, turned him around with force, and then connected the "Xuanji", "Shenzang", "Juque", "Taihe" on his body. B" and many other acupuncture points.

Each influx of zhenqi must be extremely precise. It cannot be even one point heavy or light. It must be held very accurately. Even Shen Jing cannot achieve this.

After a night like this, Fairy Suwen was dripping with cold sweat, and the thin layer of clothes she wore was already soaked with cold sweat. Her skin inside was white and rosy, like a peach blossom but like a pear blossom, as promised.

To this day, Xiao Chen still has not been able to wake up. Fairy Suwen has already consumed a huge amount of power. If she continues like this, she will not only overdraw her true energy, damage her life energy, but also suffer severe backlash on herself.

But at this moment, her eyes were even more fixed, and she really had the determination to "never give up until she saves people."

"There is no one in this world that I, Su Ling'er, cannot save..."

Suddenly, the seal on Fairy Suwen's hand changed again, and this time she used an extremely powerful method in the "Suwen Chapter", but it was also very dangerous. If they were not careful, both of them would be seriously injured.

I don't know how much time passed like this, but I saw white smoke filling the ice pool, and streaks of ice-blue spiritual power swirling around the two people.


At this moment, Fairy Suwen suddenly let out a muffled groan in her throat, her face suddenly turned extremely pale, and her body trembled violently.

This tremor shook away the subtle spiritual power of the two of them. Seeing that the spiritual power of Xiao Chen was about to disappear, at this moment, Fairy Suwen forced her inner energy, pushed with both palms, and pressed against As a stream of true energy entered his chest, the spiritual power in his body stabilized.

"Su... Fairy Suwen..."

At this moment, Xiao Chen woke up, but his consciousness was still a little blurry. He opened his eyes slightly and could only see the blurry figure in front of him, but his body could not move at all. Even his soul seemed to be slowly drifting outside the body. .

"Close your eyes."

Fairy Suwen frowned deeply, and without saying a word, she went to the acupuncture points on his body and injected her true energy at the same time. It took a moment before his condition was completely stabilized.

At this moment, another stream of ice-blue spiritual power was seen flowing around the two of them, reflecting the entire ice pool brightly and flawlessly.

Xiao Chen closed his eyes, but he could feel the trickling true energy flowing on him, and his consciousness slowly became clearer. He didn't know how long he had been unconscious, but he thought that during this period, he had been Is the other party treating his injuries?

"You're seriously injured, don't move."

At this moment, Fairy Suwen also closed her eyes, in order to avoid spiritual confusion between the two of them. At this moment, she still used her spiritual thoughts to convey information to Xiao Chen.

"He was seriously injured..."

The memory in Xiao Chen's mind gradually became clear. At this moment, the scene of that day appeared in his mind again. Cang Yue's last blow, at the cost of self-destruction, caused him serious injuries, but he fought for the last With his strength, he used the Soul Confinement Technique to imprison Cang Yue's soul...and then lost any consciousness.

"Your fate is so great."

At this moment, Fairy Su Wen's voice came into his mind again, "Cang Yue damaged her soul and destroyed her clone with a blow. If it had been anyone else, both body and soul would have been destroyed, but you... just lay there for more than a month. ”

"Has it been more than a month..."

Xiao Chen's consciousness gradually became clearer. He had been in a coma for more than a month, and for more than a month, it must have been Fairy Suwen who healed him day and night before he could recover...

"Thank you fairy for the rescue..."

At this moment, Xiao Chen gradually recalled twenty years ago in his mind. At that time, he was not the Lord of Wuyu Tian, ​​nor did he have the cultivation level he has now. At that time, he came to ask the other party for help, but now, it is still the same, Ask the other party to come to the rescue.

Fairy Su Wen said, "Hold your breath and concentrate. Now that your soul has awakened, then next, I will use the forty-nine formations of Tianshan. Whether you can fully recover this time, so that your cultivation is not affected, and whether you can survive, all depends on this." ”

Xiao Chen was still unable to move at this time, and understood the meaning of her words, and said, "What will happen if it fails..."

"After the forty-nine array is activated, if it fails, you and I will both lose."

"Since I am about to die, why would the fairy take such a big risk for me?"

"No one can stop the person I want to save. If I don't let you die, you can't die."

Fairy Su Wen spoke resolutely. At that moment, her eyes became calm again, and she stopped talking. Her hands quickly changed the seals, and continuously touched more than a dozen acupuncture points on his body. At the same time, she guided her own true energy to spread outwards and injected them into each one. She was already in the formation that she had set up before.


At this moment, the entire Ice Palace suddenly shook violently, and this shock did not come from the Ice Palace, but from outside, the entire Tianshan Mountain.

The entire Tianshan Mountains are actually very large, not just the area where Suwen Palace is located. Although it is not as big as the vast Kunlun Snow Mountain, it is no small feat.

Three hundred years ago, Fairy Su Wen used her supreme supernatural power to set up a total of forty-nine spiritual formations at various places where spiritual energy gathered throughout the Tianshan Mountains.

These forty-nine spiritual formations are arranged in the shape of the Big Dipper. There are seven formations in each place, which can condense the spiritual energy of the entire Tianshan Mountain. No matter how serious the injury is, under these forty-nine spiritual formations, it can be healed. Recovery, of course, requires being able to withstand the powerful spiritual power of these forty-nine spiritual formations.

At this moment, I saw rays of mysterious light on the mountain rising straight into the sky, and then condensed into rays of spiritual power, which continued to converge towards the Ice Palace. For a while, the mountain shook and the ground shook, and the snow fell rustlingly.

"That, that's..."

Looking at the mysterious lights that shot straight into the sky at this time, many disciples of Su Wen Palace were shocked. Obviously they knew that this was the Forty-Nine Formation of Tianshan, which was created by the master of the palace three hundred years ago by using the aura of heaven and earth in Zhoushan Mountain. Cloth down.

But they didn't expect that the palace master would actually use the forty-nine formations today. Using the forty-nine formations would almost deplete the palace master's true energy. If a strong enemy attacks at this time, it will probably be bad...

And there is a more critical point. These forty-nine formations are the last resort. Once they fail, it means that even the palace master cannot heal Mr. Xiao's injuries.

Seeing the spiritual light condensing towards the Ice Palace at this time, all the disciples of Suwen Palace became nervous.

Hua Weiyang was no exception. At this moment, she probably knew in her heart that this was... Fairy Suwen's last resort.

As the spiritual power of the forty-nine formations gathered, soon, the entire Ice Palace was shrouded in layers of spiritual power. At this time, the spiritual power inside was continuously gathering into the ice pool. Go, Xiao Chen can feel the stinging pain coming from his body at this time, and the spiritual power seems to tear him apart.

Fairy Su Wen saw that the expression on his face gradually turned painful. She also knew that this method was dangerous, but now that the forty-nine formations had been activated, there was no longer any way out.

She saw the real energy in her palms pressed against Xiao Chen's chest. At this moment, the forty-nine spiritual powers outside Hanchi gathered together crazily.

Xiao Chen's whole body seemed to be torn apart. The pain was indescribable, as if the bones and meridians in his body were forcibly dismantled and then reorganized.

Although this feeling was extremely painful, at this moment, Xiao Chen could feel that his body was gradually undergoing some subtle changes little by little.

This change is very subtle, just like when he realized the artistic conception of immortality at the top of the East China Sea, and at this time, his feeling is also like a transformation, from mortal to saint.

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