The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,109 Change of Destiny

"No, it's nothing..."

Hua Weiyang shook her head, still looking in the direction where Fairy Su Wen left. Not long after, four disciples from Su Wen Palace came over. The leader said, "Guys, please follow me.

At that moment, several people followed the disciples from Su Wen Palace to the courtyard behind the palace. They saw ancient rocks in the courtyard, clear water, and plum blossoms blooming in the corners, ushering in the faint fragrance.

Hua Weiyang had no intention of admiring the scenery of the courtyard, nor of looking at the snow falling in the sky. She was still thinking about what Fairy Su Wen just said. The twenty-year period has come, but she has not yet found her immortality...

And what exactly is this immortal heart?

That night, the snow stopped, and the bright moon reflected the entire Tianshan Mountain in a flawless white light. Although the entire mountain was covered with heavy snow all year round, the spiritual energy on the mountain was much richer than other places in the ancient realm of Xianbei.

Even though Lingshan, where the Tianling Sect is located, is rich in spiritual energy and has given birth to trees of life such as Dieffenbachia, but compared to the spiritual energy, it may still be a little inferior to Tianshan Mountain.

Especially on a clear night, you can often see beams of light rising from the Tianshan Mountains. They are formed by the gathering of spiritual energy from all over the place. It is precisely for this reason that sending Xiao Chen to Tianshan Mountain for treatment is more difficult than anywhere else. Be good.

At this time, in the Ice Palace, there are ice sculptures and jade carvings everywhere. Although there is a cold air, this cold air does not hurt people. On the contrary, it is very beneficial to people's cultivation and healing of injuries.

This is the place where Fairy Suwen goes into seclusion for cultivation. Probably only Xiao Chen can enter here twice and have Fairy Suwen treat his injuries with her own hands.

At this moment, in an ice jade pool, a piece of white cold smoke was seen spreading out of the pool. Xiao Chen was sitting cross-legged in the middle of the cold pool. His clothes had been taken off, and he could still clearly see the shocking injuries. They were from that day. Left behind by Xuanxiao Palace.

Fairy Su Wen sat behind him, with her palms pressed against his back, guiding the cold air from the cold pool to penetrate into his body, slowly repairing his damaged meridians and internal organs, as well as those finally destroyed by Cang Yue. The bones that were broken by that blow.

Three days and three nights passed like this, Fairy Suwen never left the Ice Palace for a moment, and today, the "trauma" on Xiao Chen's body gradually began to recover, and the bruises gradually disappeared.

But the "internal injuries" did not heal so quickly. Even Fairy Suwen could not do anything about it. Cang Yue's last blow was too heavy and even damaged his soul, making it difficult for him to wake up.

However, it was precisely because of this that Fairy Suwen became more and more curious about him. If other people, even those with quasi-sage cultivation, were still alive after receiving the blow from Cang Yue at that time, Even the soul was probably not safe, and he... actually just fell into a coma and fell into a deep sleep.

Fairy Suwen has saved many people in the past, but she has never met anyone like Xiao Chen, who seemed to be full of secrets.

At this moment, Fairy Su Wen couldn't help but frown slightly. The next moment, she saw her hands quickly changing the seals, turning Xiao Chen around so that she was face to face with him. The next moment, she saw her fingers condense again. , clicked on Xiao Chen's eyebrows.

And at this moment, she herself seemed to have disappeared into obscurity, her spirit returned to silence, her heartbeat and breathing stopped at this moment.

At this moment, both of them were motionless, as if they were lost in silence.

In Taoist practice, there is an extremely profound magical power called "Vipassana". The human body of a cultivator is like a small universe, which can only be seen through the "technique of Vipassana".

At this moment, Fairy Su Wen entered the darkness and used the art of Vipassana, as if she had entered a vast universe. But here, all she felt was boundless silence and coldness.

"Why is this so..."

Fairy Su Wen really couldn't figure out why Xiao Chen's body was such a cold and deathly place.

There was nothing here, only the endless cold and deathly silence, giving her an extremely uncomfortable feeling, as if all the gods and demons from all ages were buried here... How could there be such a cold feeling?

No wonder there was such heavy death energy in his body. It seemed that it had something to do with it.

Fairy Su Wen worked hard to calm down her mind. During the process of practicing Vipassana, she must calm her mind and rest. She must not have any fluctuations in her mood, otherwise she will definitely hurt her soul.

But being in such a dead and boundless universe at this moment really made her feel very uneasy. She just wanted to leave this cold place as soon as possible. If she hadn't been determined, she would have been confused the moment she entered.

At this time, Fairy Suwen calmed down her mind again and continued to explore the depths of this cold universe. She did not believe that there was really only endless silence here.

The art of Vipassana is extremely magical, and the body of a cultivator is also extremely mysterious. At this moment, in this boundless, cold and silent universe, Fairy Suwen's consciousness can reach a speed of 3.6 million miles in one breath.

But despite this, it was difficult for her consciousness to glimpse the edge of this universe. After three days and three nights like this, Fairy Suwen's consciousness never stopped for a moment. In this endless cold and dead silence, she finally got a glimpse of something. bright!


Such a little light immediately caught the attention of Fairy Su Wen. She had guessed well before that this place couldn't really be just a dead and silent land, and what exactly was that little light coming from?

Fairy Su Wen immediately probed that little bit of light with her spiritual consciousness. In this boundless universe, her spiritual consciousness could reach a speed of 3.6 million miles per breath. However, after another three days and three nights, she discovered that A bit of light did not change at all. In other words, she could not get close to that bit of light at such a fast speed. The distance between the two was too far.

At this moment, she finally thought of something. In this boundless and cold universe, she could not get close to that point of light, because the point of light she saw at this time was most likely ten thousand years ago, or even one hundred thousand years ago. Sent millions of years ago...

So at her current speed of 3.6 million miles per breath, it would take at least that many years to arrive.

But what exactly is that?

At this moment, Fairy Suwen was puzzled. This was probably Xiao Chen's biggest secret. Unexpectedly, she had seen it. Maybe even Xiao Chen himself didn't know about it, right?

"Fairy Suwen?"

At this moment, Xiao Chen's voice suddenly sounded in the cold universe. Fairy Suwen was slightly surprised. The trance state immediately disappeared, causing her to return to the outside again.

Outside, six days had not actually passed. It was still when she entered Vipassana just now, and the voice just now... was probably Xiao Chen's spiritual consciousness.

"Where am I……"

Xiao Chen's voice was a little vague, because he had not woken up at this time, it was just a consciousness of his mind, like a dream.

"Suwen Palace."

Fairy Suwen could only communicate with him through spiritual consciousness at this time.

"Su Wen Gong... was it the fairy who saved me?"

Xiao Chen's consciousness was vague at this time, and he didn't have much independent consciousness. He only remembered that day, he was severely injured by Cang Yue. The moment before he fell into coma, he used his last strength to imprison Cang Yue's soul with the Soul Confinement Technique. , everything after that, nothing is known.

Fairy Suwen said with her spiritual consciousness, "I don't know if I can save you from waking up." After a pause, she continued, "What can be cured is a disease; what cannot be cured is life."


At this moment, Xiao Chen still hasn't woken up, but his consciousness has gradually become clearer. "So this is Xiao's fate..."

"Yes, in this life, you can only change your destiny...change your destiny against the will of heaven."

Fairy Su Wen slowly said with her spiritual consciousness, "Throughout the ages, there have been countless strange people and people, and there are also people who have cultivated peerless magical powers. However, there are only a few people who can successfully change the fate of one life... and even more, no one can change the fate of eternity." ”

Hearing her say this, Xiao Chen's consciousness seemed blurry and clear at the same time, "I am not myself. In this life, I was born to change my life..."

"Perhaps, you can become the first person in this world." Fairy Suwen said slowly.

"So...this is why the fairy saved me."


Fairy Su Wen said, "I want to see if there is really someone in this world who can compete with the Lord of Heaven and successfully change his life... This time, you are seriously injured, but I will try my best to heal you. As for Your life can only be changed by yourself, or by someone else."

"Change your fate...Master..."

Xiao Chen's spiritual consciousness gradually blurred again, and finally seemed to have returned to silence again, with no spiritual consciousness coming out anymore.

Time has passed slowly for a month. To avoid being disturbed, the Ice Palace has been completely sealed. Since Fairy Suwen entered a month ago, she has not come out even to this day.

Every morning and afternoon, Hua Weiyang would come to take a look outside the Ice Palace, but every time, she would come back disappointed.

A month has passed, and I don’t know what the situation is like in the Five Realms of Immortality now. The jade paper has lost its spiritual power, and the jade paper can no longer be used to communicate between the two places.

More than half a month ago, Hua Weiyang asked the four people from Yeying to go back. Today, it is time to return to Wuyu Heaven. The Wushuang Meeting in Lingxu Realm is coming soon. But this time, they are trapped in the Ancient Fairy North Realm. They are probably rushing to Not going back.

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